English from A to Z

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Why You Should Learn English for Traveling

Pack your bags and learn some English! Whether you’re on a plane, a train, or even if you’re in Ukraine, speaking English can help you get around while traveling. English is the perfect bridge language to navigate the world, airports, taxi cabs, hotels, restaurants, shops, and even conversations! English is the most-spoken language on this planet, so if you can speak it, you will likely be able to find someone else who can too. This comes in handy if you’re in a place where the native language is not your own. English can be the bridge language, or it is the language.

In many places, by default, English is the lingua franca of the modern day. It is the language that people will switch to when needed to communicate with someone who doesn’t know their native tongue. This is why there are twice-as-many English speakers who have taken it on as a second-language than there are native speakers (Ethnologue, 2021). It also happens to be the official or co-official language of 67 nations and the second-official language for 27 other countries.

If you’re looking to travel the world, learning English is a wise choice. You can travel to far more places with ease if you can speak English. If your native language is only spoken in your country or region and you cannot speak the native language of where you’re traveling to, you will have a hard time being able to read, write, and speak while on your journey. 

I have traveled to a dozen countries and most of them were not predominantly English speaking nations, but I was able to get around because of the English language. For Example, I visited Thailand years ago and I can not speak, read, or write in Thai, that sounds like a huge problem. Fortunately, it was not, because of the English language. I was always able to find plenty of English speaking Thai natives on my visit. It is estimated that 27% of Thailand’s population can speak English, so just about one-in-four could speak and understand English with me. Most signs were also written in both English and Thai, so I was able to get around that way too.

An average of one in every five people around the world can speak the English language. If you join that statistic you have greatly increased your chances of finding somebody else to communicate to while traveling abroad. This can come in handy when you may be lost in an airport, looking for a hotel to stay in, or even ordering yourself a meal while away from home. If you cannot communicate with others around you, you might not even be able to ever find what you were looking for.

If you are thinking about traveling and would like to improve your English, fear not, we have an English for Traveling Course available for enrollment. Gone are the days of being nervous while traveling around the world. Our course will allow you to learn the English necessary for anytime and anywhere you may explore this world! Click here to learn more!